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Important note about our catalogue and prices:

This website is currently under construction. Our aim is to place the entire product range on-line for your convenience.

For price confirmation and the avoidance of any doubt please contact a member of staff who will be happy to quote you a correct price. All products are quoted exclusive of VAT charged at 20%  (where charged) and Post & Packing.

The process of populating the catalogue to a finished standard is likely to take in excess of a few weeks whereupon you will be able to complete online orders which will be received and processed by our friendly and efficient team.

At this stage we are unable to offer online payment facilities, so billing for goods will be conducted in the usual way via invoice, Cheque/BACS payment.

We hope our new facility will make your selection of Pharmabotics products an easier, faster and more enjoyable process.

Thank you.

Sara Rollason